Building bridges based on the belief that film becomes art only when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil & paper. Cine Pobre Film Festival is the 100% cartel-free intersection of culture and capabilities. |
Russia / USA | Documentary
Brasil | Film Noir
Kenya / Switzerland | African, relationship
USA | Documentary
United Kingdom | Short, relationship
Pakistan | Culture, Documentary
Mexico | Documentary
USA | B Movie
Austria | Feature, experimental
Portugal | Feature
What language is ours? Wich culture, wich place, wich time? Wich feelings own ourselves, wich ones are universal? What is the influence of the politics, the economy, the nation and the nationality on our destiny? A reenacment of a visa "drama", an apropiation of a jaanese movie, a try to talk a critical language above the good and bad clichés of foreigness, a critical language above the dominant economies of movie-making.