cine pobre film festival Building bridges based on the belief that film becomes art only when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil & paper. Cine Pobre Film Festival is the 100% cartel-free intersection of culture and capabilities.



    I Am Colla is the fight and tenacity of a man that live in the wrong place and time. Through the voice of our protagonist (ZOILO GERÓNIMO ESCALANTE), we will be witnesses to a clash between two different worlds.

    One modern and mighty world, full of excessive ambition, without face or soul, with a greed and voracious appetite that seeks to end all traces of life.

    And on the other hand the world that our protagonist comes from, condemned to disappear.

    While observing how their way of life is destroyed, their environment contaminated and their resources depleted, he begins a pilgrimage in search of sacred places, for raising a prayer and stop his disappearance.

    This is a journey to the depths of the high mountain ranges and also, to human nature. I am Colla is the voice of Those who have been relegated, humiliated, forgotten, and trampled on in the name of progress.