cine pobre film festival Building bridges based on the belief that film becomes art only when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil & paper. Cine Pobre Film Festival is the 100% cartel-free intersection of culture and capabilities.



Débora Cancio Director

  • Added 8 years ago to SNEAK PREVIEWS

    Sinopse: After falling in love with an ideal, a man walks through the city on a reluctant quest that makes him wander between reality and dream. A hybrid mention among the works of Dostoyevsky, "White Nights"; Magritte, "Attempting the Impossible"; and Ovid, "The Myth of Pygmalion." Sinopse: Enamorado de un ideal,un hombre recorre la ciudad en una reluctante búsqueda que le hace vagar entre la realidad y el sueño.

    Una mención híbrida entre las obras de Dostoievski, "Noches blancas"; Magritte, "Intentando lo imposible"; y Ovidio, "El mito de Pigmalión". Sinopse Passionné d'un idéal, un homme parcourt la ville en une recherche hésitante le faisant errer entre rêve et réalité.

    Une référence hybride aux oeuvres de Dostoïevski, "Les Nuits blanches", Magritte, "La Tentative de l'impossible" et au mythe de Pygmalion, d'Ovide.